Everything we do seems to be a fight over a small number of resources. When I mean fight I dont mean physically punches or a full fledged war but ... err well I think everyone knows what I mean. We struggle! We struggle for housing and land. If your working then your fighting for resources or funding to finish a project - even though you are working for the same company. Even studies - everyone doesn't get equal marks... theres something called a bell curve so you have to fight to get to the other side of the curve even if you generally do well. Then you fight for a limited number of jobs and promotions. Sometime you push yourself other times you try to push off the other person. People even fight to keep friends or find a 'soulmate'!
Ok someones going to say wow brainiac are you just seeing this now! I guess so. So I guess thats existence a fight to survive. And you spend so much time on the fight that you have no time to spend on what you actually fought for. I guess thats why reality programs do pretty well .... they just exaggerate and make an obvious competition out of what we all do.
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