Some people are guilty of blurting out whatever coming to mind, or acting on impulse. On the plus side such people would be pretty truthful or straightforward I guess. But the down side is that they can say thing they might regret - like make a commitment without thinking things through and end up having to carry it through even though it would be wise not to - or could end up saying something hurtful to others.
The flipside are those who ponder their words and actions thoroughly before saying or doing anything. Great they've wieghed the consequences of their words/actions and probably made an informed decision. Problem is they have thought so long the moment has passed. There would be two courses of action at this point. Say or do nothing as the moment has passed - hence the thought process was utterly pointly plus there is the regret of not having done/said something. The other way is to say or do it anyway which leads to the problem of it being akward since something which is a natural action in one moment would be utterly inappropriate in the next and leaves everyone going "huh?".
I have met people who belong to both categories and wish in both cases that they would be more balanced. But then I guess not very many people are very balanced. Most of us would be in either category in different situations.